16 September 2006

Ahhhh Saturday...

I had a beautiful day.

I woke up this morning and saw Job off to work, picked up the paper, and came back upstairs. I sat on the balcony (it's starting to get nippy out there!) wearing socks knitted by my best friend's mom (among other clothing items, naturally), drank tea and read the paper. Then I did the crossword. Well, I started the crossword.

I'm trying to learn Cryptic Crosswords and they're not simple. My great aunt Iris taught me awhile ago but my brain has not grasped it. There are so many techniques, and once you master them you're good to go, but the only one I can ever remember is the mix-up-the-letters-in-part-of-the-clue one.

Anyway I tried that for awhile and then walked to the library (I live right next to the campus), gave a short tutorial on the reserve room to a couple of first-years (spur-of-the-moment kind of thing), and returned home to read some school stuff.

All in all a wonderful, relaxing day. Any day with newspaper crosswords and tea is a great day. I took some pictures that I could meditate on later, but I'm posting from the laptop so they'll have to wait.

Hope everyone else had a good Saturday too.

Except of course for the Pope. I'm sure he's kinda miffed.

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