09 February 2006

Finished Object (FO)!

Just had to share...

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but reading break is coming up so I can pay this some attention soon. Anyway, I just wanted to reveal my newest FO: mittens. Kind of anticlimactic seeing as we saw sun for the first time in 2006 this week, which means that mittens won't be useful for much longer. But they are quite cuddly, and I'm considering wearing them as tea-drinking mittens or something, sort of like slippers for my hands. They are from Just Jussi's pattern, and I used Noro Silkgarden number 130. Fabulous. I thought for awhile that they would look hopelessly mismatched, but I sort of like how the brown and darkish parts match, and then there is an orange tip and thumb on one and a green tip and thumb on the other. Nifty! I wish I could say I had created this effect on purpose, but I'm just happy to be here. They're beautiful! And they're finished! And they're usable! Or at least, they will be in about ten months. Sigh.

So, not the best lighting, but my first posted picture of a finished object (or pair of objects). Huzzah!

Still working on that IK shrug; it's bigger every day but getting
h e a v y
on the needles. And waiting for my yarn store to get more white in so I can finish my scarf. Yes, another item that won't be useful for another ten months. But it's the finished project that counts!

That's all for now.

01 February 2006


Great comic about blogging:


The link to this comic has been taken down. Hope you saw it while you could!

How did it get to be February?

Things I was planning to have done by February:
  1. Write a draft of my graduating essay
  2. Finish short-row rib scarf
  3. Finish reading The Longings of Women by Marge Piercy
Progress? Well, the graduating essay is nowhere near ready to be brainstormed, let alone drafted. Okay, that's not fair. One major bit of research that I had to do for that project turned out to be a much bigger task than I had anticipated, and I decided that it was worth spending the time on to get it done right. So that one I will allow. But I will have a draft by the end of reading week (20-24 Feb). If I don't, I'll be hopelessly behind and setting myself up for needless stress. It's really just the getting started that's bogging me down. Once I start to write, I'm a maniac (evidence: here I am blogging instead of reading Friedan's Feminine Mystique, which I am presenting on Monday).

The scarf? Well, I discovered the cabled shrug from IK as mentioned in a previous post, and sort of ditched the scarf. I feel horrible about it, just sitting there in my "current project" basket. And I do still love the scarf, I'm just smitten with the shrug. This yarn-lust is mostly due to the fact that I've finally found a use for this beautiful yarn that has been sitting in a plastic bag for two years. What happened is this: I started to knit a "swing jacket" from a Vogue Knitting a few years ago, and realized that I had misread the pattern (it was my first non-scarf/dishtowel project) and that it would cost me about $100 more than I'd anticipated to finish it. So the "jacket"... really more of an afghan with hopelessly mismatched armholes... sat unfinished until I came across the shrug... a justified use of this fabulous yarn. The yarn in question is Van Dyck (pictured left) in this lovely autumny reddish colour. So I do still plan to finish the scarf, but I might not be able to actually wear it until next winter. But then, I live in Victoria BC, so scarves aren't really do-or-die.

The Longings of Women? Okay, so February wasn't really the read-by date. I just like to have more than 2 items in a list. The graduating essay is really the only thing I'm freaking out about at this point. The book needs to be read by the end of the semester... we don't discuss it until the penultimate class (penultimate... I love that word and take every opportunity to use it... people invariably ask me what it means after scoffing and rolling their eyes ... it means second-to-last. I envision a world in which everyone knows and uses the word 'penultimate' so that I can use it without sounding pretentious.)

This is far too long already. I'm off to bed to skim The Feminine Mystique.

P.S. Job's second nephew, Austin, was born at 3 a.m. on the 28th of January (2 days after Job's birthday)! He's adorable. He looks very calm and wise, and I'm sure he'll be the mild one in the family. Both Job and I are heartbroken that we can't be in Edmonton to meet him, but they only sleep and excrete at this point anyway, right?