19 August 2006

Fourth Entry!

I want that pattern!!!

My fourth entry for the knitters anonymous blog contest is an idea for a new film that will haunt you in your dreams about road trips for years to come. Forget Snakes on a Plane.


Actually, I was kindly informed by my boyfriend (see first entry) that this is not, in fact, a picture of BEARS in the BACK SEAT but actually


but it's just not as catchy. Bears and Beavers in the Back Seat, maybe, but that starts to sound a little dirty... hmm...

In other news, I sunk to a new low today. I'm out of cash, dipping into my overdraft as it is, and I NEED new yarn for our upcoming trip to Edmonton. We're driving! It's an eight hour drive, people! How could I not knit?? I had to do it. I plundered my st
ash for some yarn that I was going to use for a baby item. It wasn't the perfect yarn for said item, which is why I felt okay about RETURNING IT and exchanging it for THIS:

Okay, so I still had to pay another twenty bucks on top of the exchange credit. Further debt avoidance mission NOT accomplished. But I've been craving a sock project since I met my best friend Karen's mom at Karen's wedding. Karen's mom is a rampant sock knitter, and she gave a pair of socks to every girl who stayed at the house (5 in total, I think). This woman usually gets $25 a pair for these socks at craft sales. I don't think I could give that money away!! Awesome woman.

Sorry about the colour not showing up as beautifully as it does in real life. Good natural lighting is hard to find in an apartment, and my camera goes a little flash happy if you let it. Anyway, this is Meilenweit Cotton Fun in colours #504 and #508. They don't have names, but if I were to name them, they would be Strawberry Wine and Stormy Ocean. The one on the right, the black/grey/blue, is not something I would choose for myself, but I thought I should have some boy-friendly colours kicking around. Job isn't quite down with bright orange and green socks just yet, even though I insist that they will make his eyes POP. I'm working on it.

Yesterday was especially productive, not only in blog contest entries (I did three yesterday, as well as a couple of aborted ideas), but also in baking!

First baking in the new oven! Chocolate chip walnut cookies. Awesome. Things I learned: when my new oven is on, the whole contraption gets almost as hot as a burner. I can't even touch the white parts of the stove without oven mitts on. I guess I won't be cooking any mult-dish meals for awhile. Scary. I'm going to leave a note at the housing office about this. It's a new oven, too. I know because when we looked at the place in April, the stove was wrapped entirely in plastic. Anyway, the baking was a success. Even the cookies that are a little burnt on the bottom are still fabulous.

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